FG/CH News, Politics
35th District Candidate Profile: Jelani Mashariki
Learn about Jelani Mashariki, a candidate for the 35th District City Council seat, who, if elected, plans to improve the city’s housing regulations, among other goals.
FG/CH News, Politics
Learn about Jelani Mashariki, a candidate for the 35th District City Council seat, who, if elected, plans to improve the city’s housing regulations, among other goals.
FG/CH News
In today’s news wrap we’ve got posts on the 35th City Council District race, praise for the Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project’s Myrtle Avenue Farm Stand coordinator, as well as a taste of the writing that will be at the 9th annual Fort Greene Park Summer Literary Festival.
FG/CH News, Politics
Learn about Laurie Cumbo, a candidate for the 35th District City Council seat who has plans for improving the New York City Housing Authority.
FG/CH News
In today’s daily news roundup, get details on tonight’s free night sky tour of Fort Greene Park featuring bats and constellations, more on the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards performances coming to the Barclays Center this month and Council Member Letitia James’ appearance at a panel discussion for New York City public advocate.
FG/CH News
Real estate backing can both help and hurt a 35th City Council district candidate’s campaign, a 15-year-old is reported missing in the nabe and the Department of Transportation plans to pave local streets this week. Get this news in our daily round-up.
FG/CH News
Learn about a 35th City Council District candidate forum on hunger, a community event at the Myrtle Avenue farm stand and a celebrity with a townhouse to rent in this morning’s news wrap.
FG/CH News, Politics, Transportation
35th City Council District candidates talked about Citi Bikes and other transportation issues at a forum last week in Fort Greene.
FG/CH News
Read about the continued heat wave, plus our teen writing workshop and an attack last week on a Fort Greene musician in our morning news wrap.
FG/CH News
Todays round-up looks at a new lawsuit filed against the Atlantic Yards project, a new specialty food store in Clinton Hill and the return of a weekly greenmarket at the Barclays Center.
FG/CH News
Brown Memorial Baptist Church has begun restoration on a more than century old stained glass window, Laurie Cumbo adds her name to the 35th City Council District race with emphasis and Le Petit Bakery takes the cronut craze to Brooklyn.